Mypod FAQ

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

Connecting your WaterPod to your home WiFi is really not that bad; just follow the steps below.

  • Plug in your Waterpod.  (The lights on the panel will turn magenta with a black spot ping ponging). Your Waterpod is trying to connect to your WiFi.  Wait here till the WaterPod make a happy noise and the black spot stops ping ponging.  If  the lights turn blue, wow! You are very lucky! Everything is OK and you are done. 
  • If the lights don't turn blue, press and hold the button on the front panel for 6 seconds or until the Waterpod makes some sort of a grumpy noise and the lights change to magenta with a yellow spot ping ponging.
  • Now using your favorite Web accessible device (laptop, cellphone), use your device's network settings and connect to your WaterPod's WiFi network. It will look something like WATER_POD????. -Just like at Starbucks, only without the high priced lattes. The Waterpod isn't very patient. If it beeps while you're trying to connect to a network, that means it got tired of waiting and you have to start over.
  • Using your Web browser, go to the address A Web page will show up listing the WiFi networks that the pod can see.  Select your home WiFi and password.  The pod will then try to connect to your home network and if all goes well, the panel lights will no longer be magenta. Congrats!  If the lights are still still magenta, you did something wrong. Maybe you entered your password incorrectly. Or maybe deep down you want to use Starbucks's WiFi so you can get a chai latte.  Either way, just press the black button and repeat these steps.  Have fun with your guess my WiFi password game.

Because there are obsessive compulsive people on our staff constantly monitoring your Waterpod's needs, there are several ways you could be notified that your filter needs changing.

  • You could get an e-mail. But we don't want this to be our only form of communication, in case your inbox is full to overflowing.
  • If you sign up for our wonderful, bright, and cheerful text message alerts, you could receive a text message.
  • Or you could check the filters tab on your MyPod app. You'll have our app. You'll love our app.

Normal everyday home WiFi, but for the Geeks (we know you're out there), look below.

  • 2.4GHz capable router
  • Channels 1-11
  • WPA/WPA2 encryption
  • On a broadcast SSID network
  • Not behind a hard firewall or Enterprise network
  • Note: We do not recommend using WEP Wi-Fi settings, for security reasons.

Beeping is annoying, let's try and figure out how to stop the beeping.  Press the black button to make it stop.

  • BEEP BEEP Pause -  Your floor might be wet.  If this location normally gets a little wet, you can put the wet floor sensor on a little block of something that can get wet. This should stop the annoying beeping. You don't need to hear beeping when everything is OK.

The WaterPod system checks its health many times a day (so you don't have to) and provides information to our team of obssesive water quality experts.   Some of the information provided is listed. 

  • Air temperature and humidity
  • Water volume that goes though each filter
  • Water pressure as it flows across the filters
  • UV lamp status
  • Floor wet or dry?

Here is the basic idea, just remember blue is good.

  • Blue - All is well. Have a cup of tea. Dance for joy.
  • Yellow - Small Problem (Filter needs changing, UV lamp, etc.)
  • Red - Big Problem. A problem that requires your immediate attention. For example, if your WaterPod gets too cold, the water inside can freeze and damage your unit. Then you will probably no longer be in the mood to dance.
  • Magenta - Networking. The WaterPod is attempting to connect to a WiFi network.

We're thrilled that you want to get our snazzy text messages! Use your MyPod App to enter the phone number you want to get all our helpful water alerts at.

If you accidentally sent STOP (mistakes happen, we'll forgive you), then send a SUBSCRIBE and you'll be back in business.

Why? We hope you don't want to make us sad, but if you really, really don't want to get our text messages, just respond to a text with the word STOP in it.

For Android go to the Play Store and for Apple go to the APP Store and search for MyPod.

Most likely, you tried to replace the UV lamp while keeping the unit plugged in. This was very naughty of you, and our safety features have kicked in to help keep you from getting shocked. Unplug the WaterPod and plug it back in. The UV light should turn on now, and you will know better next time.